Wednesday, January 9, 2013

All "Froofed" Up

Another day at home. I suppose that's why they call it "Homeschool." Not to fear. Josiah and I do plenty of School at Home. We just also do School at the Park, School at the Y, School at the ....You get the picture.

My car is fixable. Thank goodness. Tomorrow I will be ready to run the roads again. Just in time for a Doctor's appointment.

In the meantime, I took a few minutes this morning (away from my busy dishwashing and laundry schedule) to craft. Josiah had some seatwork he needed to work on.  We sat the table, listened to Adventures in Odyssey and spent the morning in comfortable companionship.

I am trying to organize my paperwork and life, in general. One of my projects is organizing my recipes and menu plans into one location. Being as we are eating healthy and watching the calories (at least I am) I am keeping the menu plans pretty predictable. And a 3-ring binder is a perfect solution.

But I can't have my 3-ring binders being all plain. It just isn't in me. I would fret about it for weeks. When I was in college I "scrapped" the front of my binders with my favorite poems, etc. It didn't matter because I was an Early Childhood Education Major. People expect us to be a little flaky. In fact, life is better in general when you add a bit of "froof." How does one spell "froof" anyway? Phrooph?

Being stuck at home has also been good for the random, impulsive runs to Hobby Lobby. Not that Hobby Lobby benefits, but my wallet sure does. Instead, I rummaged around in my fabric bins, button boxes and scrapbooking supplies and found a collection of stuff I though worthy enough for a Recipe Book.

Nothing beats a cold winter morning with some cute craft stuff and a cup of Vanilla Chia Tea. This isn't just any Vanilla Chia Tea. My sweet Ma-in-Law (Sharron) ordered this tea for me all the way from Boston. Don't you just wish you had a Ma-in-Law like her? She's mine. You can't have her.

I could sift through my button box for hours. I never know what I might find. Josiah wanted to confiscate the face. Something about an ancient relic...I didn't let him. I didn't use it in my final design, but I have plans. I have a few more binders to decorate. I don't want to find it in some sort of Indiana Jones dig.

There is something very satisfying in using what you have. This is a plain lunch sack. I crumpled it up and swiped it a few times with a stamp and ink.I have been using brown paper lunch sacks to pop popcorn in the microwave. It's a revelation. I'll have to share sometime.

The finished product. One of my favorite parts is the quilt block. It came from a sweet old lady who gave the blocks to my mom...who in turn gave them to me. Free and Cute and Unique. Love.

I found that clothespin a box of scrapbook supplies. I had painted it a long time ago and wrote "fun" on it. I think I will use it as a place holder in my recipe book. Or maybe to clip back my bangs. They always need a little help.

And...finally in the binder. It took just a little bit of time, some bits and pieces and I have a cute recipe binder. I'm excited to tackle my other binders. In fact, while I am still in my right mind I need to tell Josiah he better hide his school binders. He might wind up with "Froof."


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