Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Just Trucking Along

My friends! Hope your day is swimming along quite nicely.

This is VBS week at our church.


You should see my house. Actually. Don't come over. I still have a basket of clean clothes that hasn't been touched since last week except to look for spare socks and undies.

You know the drill.

Things are much worse than I'm letting on. 😉

My living room and dining room table is covered with posterboard and Bible story props. 'Cause you can't do anything properly without glue sticks, brightly colored posterboard and glitter in my opinion.

Today Josiah and I are going to a library program. I'm not sure what it's about. It just appease my conscience  a little bit. We are supposed to be catching up on homeschool stuff  from the Mays to end all Mays.

I actually went to water aerobics yesterday. I hadn't been in 3 weeks! It did feel good though. In fact, it felt so good that I stopped and got some Chicken Mcnuggets at McDonald's on the way home.


I'm also knee deep in preparations for Cousin Camp. Yep! It's that time of year again. We are having a tropical theme this year. I was hoping for a little beach volleyball and a coconut smoothie sipping on the back deck and calling it good,but Mom likes to keep them busy.

If my Dad had his choice they would spend the whole week doing farm chores.

Well,my sweets. I've got to get back to the chore at large.Namely a Scripture verse poster I'm working on. And maybe a load of laundry. 😭

Have a beautiful week!


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